Arty update

sleepytimereduced Hi Everyone! This is the newest drawing. Hope you enjoy! I had to redo Iaidos’ torso after I was done coloring because I was unhappy with how it turned out and after looking at quite a few reference pics, I got this! Definitely a better result! I accidentally deleted the torso linework so I cant show the difference, sorry! But Im super happy with the whole thing now! Anyway, now is time to get on top of making stickers for Otakon Vegas 2018! Sooooo excited! Anyway, Ill be posting as I go, so ttyl! EDIT: I found a picture of the original body I was using!

Personal stuff lol

I’ve had pretty bad anxiety bug me for a while now. It’s getting a lot better thanks to therapy, but I have my moments. I can’t begin to explain how it took over my thoughts and actions. But it doesn’t excuse that I said and did some horrible things to people that will haunt me for the rest of my life. That’s why I’m trying so hard now yo better myself. There are people who don’t understand and won’t understand what I go through and what I went through and that’s fine. There are people who will probably never forgive me and that’s fine. It hurts. A lot. But I wanna make sure it never happens again. And I wanna make sure I never have an anxiety attack again. I’m sure I’ll be okay.

But I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to anyone who I hurt while anxiety was bad. It’s not an excuse. But do understand I could only do so much when I felt so terrible.

My plans for my game.

My plans and my ideas…… My plan for this game is to make my voice heard. Anxiety is no fun. But….. I want to help people understand though my characters. I want to help them understand that all different types of people with different issues exist. I want to show that some people can be or can learn to be understanding and compassionate of those with issues such as anxiety. I want to also tell them that there are people who will never understand or try to. I want to make a game about a kingdom that’s in trouble, struggling. I want to make a game about a really cool protagonist with neat powers that makes things right. But more than that, I want to make a game that makes people feel, that makes people think. I want to help someone. Even if it’s one person, I want them to play my game and think….. that they aren’t alone…. that things will be okay.

I really don’t know how to end this…. Hehe. Talk to you guys later. Have a good day. And if not, tomorrow can be better.

November is here!

Oh my gosh, almost the end of the year! It’s been a strange one. Lots of really good and quite a bit of bad too. But the bad, for the most part, is getting better! So I think everything will be fine. My anxiety has been high this week due to some issues so there hasn’t been as much progress as I’d like. But that’s okay. There’s always more time.

Have a great day everybody.